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FLD Student & Family Ministry Leaders Training

  • Woodlands Church 190 Hoover Avenue Plover, WI, 54467 United States (map)

If you are involved in Student Ministries, or are a Children’s Ministry pastor or leader, you are in invited to join us for the SFMT Training. This training is designed for both staff and volunteers with the hope of facilitating connection, as well as bring relevant training on topics that we all face in these ministry areas! Join us for worship, connection time, and learning!



Helping Teens Face Sexuality & Gender Issues with Truth and Love - Ryan Groshek 

Everywhere you look it seems like issues surrounding gender and sexuality are on people’s minds and are the focus of conversation. Most of our teens know someone who is gay or trans, and some are wrestling with these issues themselves. Yet, so often in the church we either often avoid this topic or rail against unnamed activists and agendas. During this seminar, we’ll be talking about how to think Biblically about Homosexuality (or Same-sex attraction) and Transgenderism, how to talk about it with our students, how to talk about it with those who disagree, and ways to love those who consider themselves a part of the LGBTQIA Community.

Counseling & Caring for students that are dealing with Stress and Anxiety - Jarrod Stichter 

Mental health continues to be a challenge for students today - and all signs show this problem isn't going anywhere. This seminar designed to be a mix of teaching as well as round-table discussion so we can learn from one another in the areas of counseling and coming alongside of students in the areas of anxiety, stress management, and other mental health concerns. We will look at today's most recent stats, best-practices, as well as encourage one another in this area as we learn together. 

Building a Student-Led Worship Ministry in Youth Group - Bryan Niemeyer

Do you have a youth group that passionately engages in worship? Students that have a heart of worship and are willing to lead their peers before the throne? Working with students to build a youth-led worship team can be filled with frustration, challenges, discipleship, skill/spiritual growth, joy, and hopefully youth who “get it.” In this workshop, we’ll explore ways to start and grow a healthy youth-led worship ministry.

How to train your leaders to be good small group leaders - Jimmy Bero 

Students need space to laugh, connect, and have meaningful conversations about life’s biggest questions. Small Group Leaders create and facilitate this space. We need to train and care for volunteers in a way that shapes them to love and lead students in their faith journey. We need to pastor them so that they can pastor students. This workshop will explore both the philosophical and practical elements of what it means to be a good small group leader, equipping you to raise up volunteers who embody the love and grace of Jesus in the lives of students, walking alongside them as they grow in their confidence of who they are, where they belong, and what they were made for.

Preparing and delivering a message that connects with students - Brian Schley 

We want to have the greatest impact we can on our students.  My goal is that you leave this training with a nugget you can take home that will make you a more effective preacher.  For those who do not have a defined process for how to set up a message, or would like to understand a different way to work through a text, we will talk through a process of how to prepare a sermon.  We will also talk about engaging our students by the way we communicate His Word. 

Building a Discipleship Culture in Student Ministries - Jed Haas 

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” - Peter Drucker. Thinking through a great strategy is very important. The end goal is creating a powerful and empowering culture. This is the way to lead your ministry to be part of a disciplemaking movement that can multiply disciples in your ministry, your church, and beyond. As you know, you are preparing youth to multiply disciples for generations as college students, co-workers, parents, future church leaders, and beyond. You get seven years max, maybe a few more if they stick around locally. Join the conversation with me about how to create a disciplemaking culture in your student ministry.

Ask The Hard Questions: How to Utilize Christian Apologetics in Student Ministry - Andrew Gutberlet 

One Hope Research recently released a 54-page report on religious attitudes and behaviors of teenagers in the United State. In this study, they found that 51% of teens (ages 13-19) identify as Christian. However, the research also revealed that only 8% of those who identified as “Christian” would classify as a “committed Christian” who upholds a biblical worldview. From this research, we can conclude that the majority of teens are graduating from student ministries without a firmly grounded and fully formed biblical worldview. In this session, we will seek to establish that apologetics (defending one’s faith) is a vital aspect of student ministries, overview the types of apologetic topics that are most relevant to Gen Z, and demonstrate how to effectively teach apologetics in a student ministry setting.



9:00am - Registration/Snacks 

9:30am - Opening/Worship/Resources 

10:00am - Workshop #1 - Six Options

11:00am - Break

11:30am - DISTRICTS Youth Conference Update

12:00pm - Lunch

1:00pm - Workshop #2 - Six Options

2:00pm - Training Ends


Early Registration - $25

Standard Registration Fee - $35

Late Registration Fee - $45

Group Rate (3 or more) - $20/person


October 18

History, Theology and Polity Course

November 8

FLD Refresh - Senior Pastors & Wives Retreat